Slow Cooker Pulled Pork, Egg Noodles, Carrots

Recently at Aldi I got 2 barbecue-flavored pork loins and threw them in the slow cooker so we can have pulled pork tonight when we get home from Religious Ed class. I go with about 6 hours on low.

The cost of the pork loins was $11.13. Bread to turn it into sandwiches $0.85.

I served carrots my husband had canned from our garden the previous summer. What price should I put on things we canned? It does take some money to make a garden and buy canning supplies once and reuse them, etc. I'm going to call it $1.00 per jar and we go through 2 jars. Let me know what you think on pricing this!

I also served egg noodles on the side $1.29

Half gallon of milk to drink = $1.25

Total for meal: $16.52

Total per person divided by 7 = $2.36 (of course, the 6-year-old eats less than the 14-year-old but it all evens out!)

UPDATE: Julia ate with us and there were leftovers so we are calling this divided by 8 = $2.07 per person plus leftovers for Mr. Kerrie for the next day!

I think that's a decent price but we can do even better. Don't worry ... I have a stupid dinner purchase coming up where I spent $5 per box on potato-encrusted cod at Aldi so I'll show you how I sometimes also can make a more costly dinner!!!!

If you liked this recipe, you'll love my book, The Tater Tot Casserole Cookbook! It's available in print and ebook versions (free if you are a Kindle Unlimited member so you can try it before you buy it in print!).


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